Moving home is extremely stressful. Experts consider moving to be more stressful than a new job, a relationship breakdown, or even a divorce.
Moving to another home can be really expensive too. According to the American Moving and Storage Association, the average cost of an interstate move is roughly $4,300 for a distance of 1,225 miles.
So, it’s crystal clear that you’re going to need all the help you can get.
You know that it has to be something special this time, something really extraordinary to work out. That’s right, you’re going to need moving advice from a true GENIUS.
Albert Einstein! What better relocation advisor than one of the greatest minds of all time?
It’s now or never! And NOW seems to be the perfect time to learn how to move like a genius from “der Depperte” (The Dopey One).
Borrow the wisdom of the greatest theoretical physicist in the history of mankind – use the following 10 Albert Einstein quotes as personal moving advice.
10 quotes from Albert Einstein = 10 moving tips from the Relativity Master himself.
Enjoy! I know you will.
#1: “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.”
Albert Einstein is definitely no stranger to moving home – born in Germany, he first moved to Italy with his family when he was 15, then to Switzerland, Austria, Belgium, and finally, at 55, he moved to the United States.
With such solid experience in international relocation, it’s no wonder that the great physicist would gift us this precious piece of advice: keep moving in order to keep your balance in life.
Research shows that the average American moves once every 5 years. Sure, everyone has their own personal reasons to move to a different town, city, state, or country – to get a new job, to continue one’s education, to follow a loved one, to retire in style, or even to run away from someone or something.
Ultimately, it’s the pursuit of happiness, aided by one’s survival instinct, that will trigger a house move.
So, what’s YOUR reason to move away?
Author’s note: Of course, when the great genius said “riding a bicycle”, he must have surely meant to say “driving a moving truck”.
#2: “It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.”
You should never forget that the home moving process is extremely unpredictable. Life, in general, is rather uncertain, so multiply that unpredictability by ten and you’ll get … a house move.
First of all, it’s the weather on Moving day. Seriously, is there anything more unpredictable than the climate itself? Just ask any meteorologist and they will tell you the same thing. From sweltering heat or torrential rain in the summer to a snowstorm in the winter, you should be ready for anything.
Then comes the possibility of getting stuck with bad movers – arguably the worst problem you may face when moving to another home. The risks of personal injury and property damage come next, followed by bad headaches due to improper organization.

Think long and hard about how you will approach your move-related issues and handle your moving tasks before you do whatever it is that you have to do.
Just stay with your (relocation) problems longer and you’ll find the best solution to each and every single one of them. As probably the best problem-solver in the history of man, Mr. Einstein can be trusted on this one.
Author’s note: Have you noticed that HUMILITY is one common trait of (almost) all true geniuses? Albert Einstein saying “It’s not that I’m so smart” sounds like a Category 5 hurricane howling, “It’s not that I’m so powerful… but you’d better keep out of my way.”
#3: “The only reason for time is so that everything doesn’t happen at once.”
No matter how you look at it, nobody understands TIME and SPACE better than Einstein himself.
The above quote by Albert Einstein means only one thing – you don’t want more than one thing to be happening at the same time, especially when you’re preparing to move out. Therefore, you must use some kind of a tool to avoid being overwhelmed by the scores of moving tasks that you need to complete prior to the move.
No, I’m not talking about wearing a wristwatch, I’m talking about following a moving checklist. That’s right – a moving timeline – one that also contains a packing timeline inside it – will make sure you will become much more efficient despite having to juggle too many things at once.
Do as the genius says – follow a moving checklist to organize your TIME in the best possible way.
Author’s note: What do you think Mr. Einstein saw every TIME he’d look at his watch: just mere hands moving clockwise in a circle, or infinite possibilities lost each second in the four-dimensional continuum known as spacetime?
#4: “The only source of knowledge is experience.”
Nobody can deny that Einstein had a brilliant mind. In fact, he was so ahead of his time that he even managed to predict one of today’s major problems when people are moving from one home to another – the lack of experience.
Read the above quote again and see what it really means – if you haven’t moved house before, then you won’t really know how to do it right. And as a first-time mover, you’ll probably have TROUBLE knocking on your door, expecting that you’ll let it in.
Only, you won’t let TROUBLE in because you have a good option here: to hire people who have the required relocation experience and will know exactly what to do to bring your move to a successful end.
It’s easy, really: experience brings knowledge, knowledge brings results, results bring success.
So, if you’re moving out for the first time to a new home that is a long distance from where you are right now, and if you’re moving a lot of stuff, including specialty items, then your personal moving advisor advises you to hire professionals who have the necessary experience.
Author’s note: Do you think Professor Einstein ever had to use professional moving services? With so much moving during his lifetime, he must have hired movers at some point or another, right? And when he did, I’m sure he was smart enough to research the movers first to make sure that they were competent enough. Be like Einstein – research your movers too!
#5: “The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.”

Whatever you do, don’t you ever question the genius mind of Albert Einstein.
When possibly the greatest genius of all time urges you to be curious and to always question everything, then you should do it, no questions asked.
Professor Einstein even admits, “I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.”
And that is exactly what you should do too – be PASSIONATELY CURIOUS about your upcoming move and all its details.
Just be curious. Start by finding the right answers to these essential questions:
- How to find a good moving company? [answer]
- What is the average moving cost? [answer]
- How to cut moving costs and expenses? [answer]
- What things to do before moving? [answer]
- How to pack up my home? Room-by-room packing checklist! [answer]
and then just keep going.
If you sense that your mover has given you partial or incomplete information, just keep questioning them until you get it all.
Think about it – wasn’t curiosity what made us humans leave those prehistoric caves in search of a better life?
And guess what – a sensible dose of CURIOSITY is precisely the thing you need to make your move problem-free from start to finish.
Author’s note: Some people say that too much curiosity will harm your cat. Well, don’t believe what those questionable individuals are saying because that is just NOT true. Your sweet cat will be alright, and so will be your loyal dog.
#6: “Sometimes one pays most for the things one gets for nothing.”
One common quality of extraordinarily smart people is that sometimes they tend to be rather vague, and they kind of enjoy speaking in riddles too. Unfortunately, this tendency is not really fair to us, the common folk.
Of all top Albert Einstein quotes, this one comes as a fair warning not to become too greedy for things that come at no cost. Why?
As one of the smartest persons to ever walk the Earth, Professor Einstein must have already learned that some things obtained for free could cost more in the end than the original price one had chosen not to pay for them.
He must have meant FREE MOVING BOXES, of course.
Be smart.
Getting something free of charge often feels nice and gratifying, but you should ONLY agree to take free cardboard boxes that are strong, clean, dry, and without any signs of previous damage or pest infestation.
Remember that the safety of your prized possessions is still your top priority.
Author’s note: While most six-year-old kids would build castles and fortresses out of cardboard boxes, little Albert managed to explain to his parents how quantum mechanics works using only one wardrobe box and three shoe boxes.
#7: “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”

Fun fact: At one point Albert Einstein became so well-known in America that random people would often stop him on the street and ask him to explain “that theory”. The professor figured out a great way to handle those never-ending requests. He’d tell his inquirers, “Pardon me, sorry! Always I am mistaken for Professor Einstein.”
Everyone makes mistakes – after all, all human beings are fallible. We may wish at times that we were robots that never make any errors, yet that remains nothing but wishful thinking.
Nevertheless, Einstein’s words convey a tone of calm recognition and a message to learn from your mistakes so that you never make them again.
Now, moving home is a stressful period where rookie mistakes and judgment errors can be made faster than one can say their own name. In case you’ve never moved house before and you’re using a moving company for the first time, then you should definitely be on your guard.
Of course, even Professor Einstein should agree that when it comes to moving mistakes, prevention is still the best medicine.
Author’s note: Nobody is safe from making mistakes. Even the great Albert Einstein admitted that he’d made one great mistake in his life (when he signed the letter to President Roosevelt recommending that atom bombs be made).
#8: “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.”
Originally, Albert Einstein must have uttered those famous words in reference to all teachers around the world. A bit later, it probably became obvious that his wisdom could be applied to all aspects of life.
Professor Einstein was 100% confident that if a person truly understands something, he or she should be able to teach it to other people with the same kind of success.
He adds, “It should be possible to explain the laws of physics to a barmaid.”
And now that we know that modern-day bartenders are well familiar with the laws of physics, especially how gravity really works – a crystal glass dropped on the floor will always break regardless of the angle of impact – let’s focus on your fast-approaching move.
The home moving process can sometimes seem too complicated for people with little or no relocation experience whatsoever. If you yourself are a first-time mover, then you’re going to have to solve the PUZZLE of moving.
View your home move as a 12-piece jigsaw puzzle and you’ll be surprised by the logic and reasoning behind the whole process. That’s right, moving to a new home is NOT that hard – you just need to know how it works and then make it work for you.
Author’s note: Taking into account that TIME is relative to the puzzle solver, how much TIME and SPACE do you think Albert Einstein would need to solve a jigsaw puzzle with 2,000 completely blank pieces?
#9: “Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.”
What beautiful words!

This is, without a doubt, the most inspiring quote by Albert Einstein.
What the great genius wants to say here is that the logic of moving house will take you from Point A (your current home) to Point B (your new home), but you shouldn’t be afraid to dream bigger than that.
Simply open your mind, use your imagination, and guess what – THE SKY’S THE LIMIT.
That’s correct – what Einstein meant to say is that moving within the limits of Earth is for small thinkers only. It’s time to look at the bigger picture and consider moving to Mars with the purpose of colonizing the Red Planet.
“Once we accept our limits, we go beyond them.”, adds the genius physicist.
Sure, Mars colonization is a beautiful yet dangerous dream to dream. But hey, when has danger ever stopped us humans before? The short answer is: NEVER.
Come on, admit it: deep down, you’ve always wanted to be one of the first colonizers on Mars, haven’t you? I know you have.
Author’s note: I wish I could teach you how to say HELLO in Martian, but even Google Translate doesn’t yet have that in its vast language database. So, when you move to Mars and meet Martians face to face, my advice to you is to just give them a friendly smile and hope they understand you come in peace.
#10: “When a man sits with a pretty girl for an hour, it seems like a minute. But let him sit on a hot stove for a minute and it’s longer than any hour. That’s relativity.”
There isn’t a shadow of a doubt that Albert Einstein understood the concept of time better than anyone else. His famous words that Time is relative to the observer still remain a mystery to many people around the globe.
TIME! How can something be so simple and so complex at the same TIME?
Time is a funny thing – it seems to go faster when you’re doing something truly pleasant, and vice versa – it seems to come to a crawl when you’re doing something really unpleasant.
Let me give you a good example so that you finally understand the concept of time relativity:

Professor Einstein knows exactly what you need.
If you’re reading these very lines, then you must have liked what you’ve read so far, therefore this 5-minute read probably felt like 40-45 seconds to you as a reader. And since you have truly enjoyed this article, RELATIVELY speaking, now is the perfect TIME to share it with all your genius friends. Thank you.
On the other hand, if you’ve been waiting for your movers to arrive on Moving day, then a 5-minute wait outside your home will probably feel like 20 minutes (add 15 minutes if you haven’t researched the moving company).
If the weather is bad and you’re waiting in the rain, cold or wind, then those 5 minutes can easily feel like 40 minutes.
Moreover, if you have a splitting headache or if you have a bad toothache while waiting for the moving truck to make an appearance, then the “mere” 5 minutes will definitely feel like an hour or so.
See, the genius mind of Albert Einstein has figured out that TIME IS RELATIVE TO THE OBSERVER because each one of us perceives time differently. Why? Because certain variables will always remain different for each individual person.
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